



「The Furnace spawns one Fire Spirit at a time. It also makes great brick-oven pancakes.」

The Furnace card is unlocked from the Hog Mountain(Arena 10). It is a moderate hitpoint building that spawns a Fire Spirit every 6秒 and spawns one Fire Spirit upon destruction. It appears to be a cast-iron steam train furnace with a bubbling cauldron holding magenta fluid resembling Elixir on top of it. It is also covered with various other props, including a ladder on the side of it, and a pile of firewood on the other. A Furnace card costs 4 Elixir to deploy.


  • Mirroring it can spawn two Fire Spirits at a time, which provides fast and heavy area damage support for tanks. However, the Fire Spirits themselves are weak to area damage cards like spells, and placing the秒 Furnace close to the first can allow the opponent to get a large positive Elixir trade by targeting both buildings at once.
  • It can act as a useful defense along with being a support building, thanks to its Fire Spirits which deal area damage.
  • The Furnace is effective at preventing other spawners from building momentum due to the fact that the Fire Spirits spawned deal splash damage.
  • The Furnace is good at supporting counterattacks as it takes out many small troops, such as Minions, Spear Goblins, and Goblins, that opponents may play due to being low on Elixir from their attack. Prepared in advance, the player will not have to worry about cards like Minions, as the spawned Fire Spirits take care of them on their own.
  • If no other options are available, a Furnace can stop a push with low-hitpoint troops since it will immediately spawn at least one Fire Spirit, wiping out a lot of the push and acting as a distraction.
  • Keep in mind that at Tournament Rules levels(Level 9), the spawned Fire Spirit will be able to attack the tower. Due to the Furnace's 49秒 lifetime, this will deal valuable chip damage to a tower.
  • Mini P.E.K.K.A. is a great pair with the Furnace's Fire Spirits, as the Fire Spirits take out any Goblins, or swarm card(excluding Skeleton Army), allowing the Mini P.E.K.K.A. to head to the tower quickly.
  • Poison and Earthquake are powerful counters to the Furnace, as they will not only damage the spawner but can also hit the Fire Spirits.
  • Since the Fire Spirits spawned from the Furnace explode on impact, Skeletons from the Tombstone can distract Fire Spirits easily and stop almost all the waves of Fire Spirits.
  • The Furnace is a great support card if placed behind a tank, eliminating nearly any type of cheap card that the enemy will place down to counter it. For example, a great combo is Hog Rider or Royal Giant with a Furnace. If the opponent spawns cards such as Minions or Goblins to either distract or destroy, the Fire Spirits will take them out, and if left unchecked behind a tank can decimate the tower with their powerful splash.
  • A Princess can take out the Furnace without any support if she is left alone.
  • In the Rage Challenge, the Furnace's lifetimer is unaffected, allowing it to produce up to 10 waves of Fire Spirits instead of 8.


  • The Furnace was added to the game on 3/5/16 with the May 2016 Update.
  • On 18/5/16, a Balance Update decreased the Furnace's elixir cost to 4(from 5), its hitpoints by 14%, and its lifetime to 40秒(from 50秒).
  • On 21/6/16, a Balance Update increased the Furnace's lifetime to 50秒(from 40秒).
  • On 19/4/17, a Balance Update decreased the Furnace's hitpoints by 5%.
  • On 5/5/20, a Balance Update decreased the Furnace's hitpoints by 16%.
  • On 7/6/21, a Balance Update decreased the time between waves to 7秒(from 9秒), number of Fire Spirits spawned each wave to 1(from 2), and decreased its lifetime to 49秒(from 50秒). Its description was updated to reflect the number for Fire Spirits spawned per wave(previously saying, "The Furnace spawns two Fire Spirits at a time. It also makes great brick-oven pancakes."). The 2021 Quarter 2 Update also moved the Arena to unlock the Furnace from Spell Valley(Arena 5) to Hog Mountain(Arena 10).
  • On 27/10/21, the 2021 Quarter 3 Update added the level 14 Furnace.
  • On 7/12/21, the 2021 Quarter 4 Update reduced the hitpoints of the Furnace by 17%, it's lifetime to 33秒(from 49秒), and it's spawn speed interval to 6秒(from 7秒) while adding a death spawn of one Fire Spirit.


  • It is the秒 spawner building to not take the appearance of a 'Hut', the first being the Tombstone.
  • The Furnace is 1 of the 11 cards from Clash Royale to appear in Clash Quest, the others being the Fire Spirit, Bomber, Spear Goblins, Zap, Fireball, Goblin Hut, Rocket, Baby Dragon, Prince, and The Log.
  • The pot on top of the Furnace resembles the Halloween Cauldron obstacle from Clash of Clans.
  • The pot on top of the Furnace also jumps into the air when spawning Fire Spirits, although an Ice Wizard or stunning spells can cause the pot to desynchronize with the Fire Spirits spawning.
  • The Furnace's description could be a reference towards the Mini P.E.K.K.A. since the Mini P.E.K.K.A says "pancakes" when it is deployed.
  • The Furnace is the first building to be added after Clash Royale's soft launch.



Deploy Time
4 6秒 1秒 33秒 建築 稀有


極快(120) 2 空中和地面目標 空中單位


Area Damage
3 398 108 107
4 437 119 118
5 480 131 129
6 528 144 142
7 580 158 156
8 638 173 171
9 700 190 188
10 768 209 207
11 844 230 227
12 926 252 250
13 1017 278 275