Elixir is a resource in the game and is spent to place Cards on the battlefield. It is different to Clash of Clans' Elixir, which is used to upgrade troops and/or buildings. The player first begins a battle with 5 Elixir and can hold a maximum of 10 Elixir during a battle. Once 2 minutes have passed during a battle, each player receives 1 extra Elixir, and Elixir production is doubled for the rest of the game. Elixir is produced gradually throughout the battle at a rate of 1 Elixir every 2.8 seconds, every 1.4 seconds during Double Elixir time, and around every 0.9 seconds in Triple Elixir, which occurs in the last minute of Overtime or in Triple Elixir Battles. In 2v2, Elixir is produced 30% slower than normal to compensate for the amount of Cards that would otherwise be played. This is about 3.6 seconds per Elixir initially, 1.8 seconds during Double Elixir, and 1.2 seconds in Triple Elixir. In Infinite Elixir mode, Elixir is generated at seven times the normal rate, giving the player 1 Elixir every 0.4 seconds.
Profit and Loss[]
Elixir is just as important as other game mechanics like card placement and having a balanced deck.
- Elixir is very versatile. Elixir can help with counter-attacks, rushes, and starting off the battle. Use Elixir carefully.
- There are multiple ways to start a battle. One can use their Elixir to immediately start an attack, which is known as 'bridge rushing' or they can save Elixir to react to their opponent's actions.
- Elixir is considered 'profited' when the player spends less Elixir than the opponent and thus the Elixir grows beyond the opponent's. Gaining an Elixir profit by making a play is known as a 'positive Elixir trade'. An example of this: the opponent plays Skeleton Army, and the player uses The Log, defeating the Skeleton Army and gaining an Elixir profit of 1.
- Elixir is considered 'lost' when the player's Elixir dips below the opposing player's. Making the opponent gain an Elixir profit by making a play is known as a 'negative Elixir trade'. An example of this is when the player deploys a P.E.K.K.A., and the opponent uses a Skeleton Army to counter it, defeating the P.E.K.K.A. and causing the opponent to gain an Elixir profit of 4.
- In some situations, creating a negative Elixir trade may be beneficial if the player can take advantage of the troop's remaining potential. For example, the player can use a Bowler to counter a Hog Rider, Although this leaves them at an Elixir deficit of 1, the Bowler's health is untouched and is still threatening to the opponent. This sort of play is known as a counterpush.
- A neutral Elixir trade does not necessarily mean neither player gained an advantage. For example, if one player placed a Mother Witch near their Crown Tower, and the other player uses a Fireball on both it and the Crown Tower, both players will have spent equal Elixir, but the Fireball user would have a slight damage advantage. It is important to recognize that the Fireball should not be used on the King’s Tower until at least one of the other Crown Towers has been destroyed; doing so will prevent a King Tower activation, keeping your pushes more potent for a prolonged period of time.
- The only way the player can increase their Elixir production is with the Elixir Collector. It costs 6 Elixir and will produce 8 Elixir over its full lifetime, so the player will gain a profit of 2 Elixir (if mirrored the mirrored one will get only a profit of 1 Elixir, which equals to a profit of 3 Elixir total per 2 Elixir Collectors). If it is attacked by a spell or other card, the player will not profit as much, but it is also a drain on their opponent's Elixir.
- The Elixir Golem can artificially generate Elixir for the opponent. Specifically, the main Golem yields 1 Elixir, while each of the Golemites and Blobs yield 0.5 Elixir, which translates to 1 and 2 Elixir respectively. In total, 4 Elixir can be generated for destroying all forms of the Elixir Golem. Since the Elixir Golem costs the opponent 3 Elixir to deploy, it's justifiable to commit up to 7 Elixir to counter one.
- When the player has more Elixir than the opponent, the player can often attack and defend much easier.
- To gain Elixir, defend with cards that cost less than the opponent's attacking unit. Common examples are Skeleton Armies defending Giants and Arrows defending Minion Hordes. Both net a 2 Elixir profit.
- It is important for the player to not maximize on Elixir, as the player will be unable to generate any more as long as the bar is full. This is called “leaking” Elixir (when a player is at 10 Elixir and not spending it). Momentarily after the Elixir bar maximizes, the text “Elixir bar is full!” will display. The player's cards will also shake when the Elixir bar is full. When spectating a live match, there is a number at the right of each player's Elixir bar showing how much Elixir they have leaked in total during the match.
- This is especially true at the beginning of the game. If the players leak at 10 Elixir excessively, they are wasting Elixir that could be gained if a card is deployed. However, it is imperative to not rush decisions and make unnecessary placements. It is safe to stay at 10 Elixir if the opponent is also maxing at 10 Elixir.
- If the player has 10 Elixir when their opponent has less than 10 Elixir, but cannot immediately mount an offense, they should deploy a troop at the back of the Arena to avoid losing their Elixir advantage. However, the troop should not be too expensive, as an opportunity may arise where the opponent could threaten the player's other Crown Tower immediately.
- Waiting to max Elixir at the start of the game can be used to the player's advantage. Waiting for the opponent to play their cards first can let the player respond appropriately, only leaving them at a small Elixir deficit.
- In battle, players should rarely leave themselves with 0 Elixir. If an opponent initiates a strong offensive push, a defending player with 0 Elixir possibly lose a Crown Tower and open themselves to a 3 Crown defeat. The exception to this is in Triple or Infinite Elixir modes. Due to the rapid Elixir generation rate, a player will often always be able to deploy cards even when starting from 0 Elixir, and leaking Elixir is much easier to accidentally do.
- If your opponent deploys a low or medium health troop or building near their Crown Tower, consider using a spell to defeat them and get some Tower damage. This can be a good move even if the spell costs more than their troop or building. For example, if they place an Wizard near their tower, consider using Rocket and hitting both. Even though this is a -1 trade, the tower will have taken some damage.
- It is important to spend Elixir wisely. As little as it seems, 1 Elixir can be the difference between a victory and a loss.
- Elixir has been in the game since Clash Royale's game launch on 4/1/2016.
- On 4/7/2016, the Tournaments Update, allowed players to sort their Card collection by Elixir. The same update removed the "Elixir overcharge", also dubbed as the "Eleventh Elixir" and made it so that Cards no longer deselect when Double Elixir time begins.
- On 1/11/2016, the November 2016 Update, made players unable to see the Elixir of their friend's opponent while spectating them. It also added Special Event Challenges with an increased Elixir production. The first Double Elixir event started on 18/11/2016.
- On 13/3/2017, a maintenance break, removed the Elixir bars from spectating a match.
- On 24/3/2017, a maintenance break, readded the Elixir bars to spectating.
- On 5/9/2018, the September 2018 Update, allowed players to see their teammate's current Elixir in 2v2.
- On 4/11/2019, a Balance Update, increased the Elixir production of Touchdown Draft.
- On 26/11/2019, the End of November 2019 Update, increased the Elixir generation rate in the last minute to be tripled (from doubled). It also made it so that Cards were dealt to the player's hand faster and respond faster depending on the Elixir generation.
- On 27/3/2023, the Losers Update, fixed an issue where the Elixir multiplier was not displayed in replays.
- On 19/6/2023, the Card Evolution Update, fixed an issue with Elixir visual effects when spectating.
- The word “Elixir” comes from "al iksir", which is the Arabic word for miracle substances. Dating back to the third century BC, Elixir was rumored to change base metals into gold and prolong life indefinitely.
- If a player does not use the Elixir Collector or vanquish any form of the Elixir Golem, never wastes any Elixir, and the battle does not go into Overtime over the course of a 3-minute battle, the player will have received about 90.7 Elixir in total. Again, assuming that the player does not use the Elixir Collector or wastes any Elixir if the battle lasts for 1 minute into Overtime, the player will receive about 133.6 Elixir over the 4 minutes of battle. If the battle lasts through the full 2 minutes of Overtime, the player will receive about 200.2 Elixir in total over the 5 minutes.
- Elixir used to accumulate in the background while resetting back to 10 just before reaching 11 when the Elixir bar was full, so the two players' Elixir would always differ by a whole number. This could also allow players to have close to an extra Elixir when dropping cards at a certain timing; for example, playing a Golem when the 11th Elixir was about to generate could leave the player with 3 Elixir upon dropping the Golem. However, it no longer accumulates like this as of the Tournaments Update, now immediately going back to a whole number when a card is dropped at 10 Elixir.
- In modes with an increased Elixir production, players start with 0 Elixir instead of 5 Elixir.
- Unlike its Clash of Clans counterpart, which can be generated and used like Gold, Elixir in Clash Royale can only be generated and used during a Battle.
- In Training Camp, Trainers generate Elixir at a slower rate than the player.
- According to a Clash Royale FAQ, it is said that the King uses Elixir-based beard oil with pine scent to keep his perfect facial hair.