Clash Royale Wiki



Looking for a challenge? Try this deck consisting of underused/underrated cards

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: Alpha Obelisk
Minimum Recommended King Level: 9
Maximum Recommended King Level: 15
Arena Required: Rascal's Hideout (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 3.6 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Hunter: Deals with swarms, air, tanks, and support the Goblin Giant
Goblin Giant: Your win conditon
Giant Snowball: Disrupts troops from connecting to your tower, and clear swarms
Skeleton Barrel: Defensive block, and pair with Goblin giant for damage
Zappies: Stop troops from approaching your tower!
Bomb Tower: Defensive tower to take out fire-bally troops, swarms, and Hog Riders
Rascals: Take on melee units and pesky balloons
Fire Spirit: Take out swarms, finish off low HP troops


  • You can send in Skeleton Barrel or Fire Spirits to see what they will do.
  • You can start off with a Bomb Tower. If they send in flying troops to take out the Bomb Tower, use Snowball or Fire Spirits.
  • When you're ready for an attack, place Goblin Giant behind the tower, pile Hunter/Rascals/Skeleton Barrel/Zappies behind it.
  • You can split Zappies behind the King Tower.
  • You can play Skeleton Barrel + Fire Spirits for an aggressive attack.
  • If they have Inferno Tower about to attack the Goblin Giant, quickly send in Skeleton Barrel or Zappies to help out. Place the Skeleton Barrel right on the bridge so it can fly right to the Inferno Tower.
  • The Bomb Tower is useful for taking out Witches, all Wizards, Royal Hogs, and basically every ground swarms.