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My deck I use to spam and defend. Let's see.

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: Santi.ratna
Minimum Recommended King Level: 8
Maximum Recommended King Level: 13
Arena Required: Miner's Mine (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 1.8 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Tesla: Main card. Spam as many as you can to defend. The Tesla was actually good for distracting small swarms or building attackers, so it could be a VERY good card for you to spam in this deck.
Ice Golem: Card to protect spams. Used also to distract Mega Knights and P.E.K.K.As.
Tombstone: Main card (to spam). Use the Ice Golem to protect ALL the Skeletons. Good to distract single-target troops. Building to be spammed like the tesla.
Ice Spirit: Used to freeze enemy troops, and can stop the charge of troops, resets the damage of the Infernos, and resets the charge of the Sparky, for only 1 elixir. Good to spam, and has many functions too!
Fire Spirit: Good damage for only 2 elixir, can counter a Magic Archer or Zappies if placed correctly.
Mirror: Good card to spam. Don't worry about the increasing elixir cost, because your cards have really small elixir cost. Doubles the last card spawned/deployed.
Heal Spirit: Used to heal the Ice Golem, for only 1 elixir. He was very good as he had a strong, very strong healing effect. Used as a spam card too, but better to use him wisely.
Skeletons: Secondary card to spam, as the trio only cost 1 elixir. Good in distracting, and also a spam card.


  • Try to deploy Tesla and Tombstone as much as you can, as they are both buildings and can defend well.
  • Use the other cards to make a fast cycle. As the cycle only cost 10-12 elixir cost, you may have a big spam. But remember: Better to use the cards WISELY.
  • Ice Spirit can freeze enemy troops. Even only for 1 second, he can reset charges of troops.
  • Fire Spirits are used to defend the Ice Golem.
  • Mirror is used to make a double of the last spawned troops, so can be used for spamming too.