Clash Royale Wiki



Hello there, this is Red, bringing you a deck that I had used in the past and modifying it a little. It's full of defensive cards, and the main purpose of this deck is to let your opponent strike first, then defend and counter push. If you push right off the bat, you'll find yourself unable to do enough damage if the opponent is good enough.

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: Underredded
Minimum Recommended King Level: 7
Maximum Recommended King Level: 11
Arena Required: Electro Valley (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 3.6 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Mega Knight: Your win condition - or so you think. This deck does not have any, it literally feeds on good defending and one strong, tower taking push. Mega Knight literally gives you the ability to do so. The tankiness and spawn damage allows it to annihilate glass cannons and swarms, and set you up for a potentially deadly counterpush.
Mini P.E.K.K.A.: It's your backup glass cannon destroyer, but a deadlier one too! It's decently fast, so it's very useful on quick defending and counterpushes and also can deal with many minitanks, and at points of times tanky troops such as Giant or even Golem. But it's fragile, make sure it's being tanked for when taking out a full push to maximise it's potential.
Electro Wizard: Pretty much a very versatile defensive card which keeps Inferno Dragon and ITower at bay, making it both useful on defending and a counterpush. His spawn damage cripples most swarms and Sparky too. Very versatile, 4 elixir, all rounder glass cannon overall.
Inferno Dragon: Your tank melter, and also deadly on the counterpush. Has a ton of potential in both sides of the arena. Remember, just placing him at the bridge without any purpose is asking for a loss of 4 elixir. Make sure he melts something first, then push with him with adequate support.
Ice Spirit: This and Zap are the utility cards here. Can be used for taking out small warms, reset ITower and Inferno Dragons and probably give yourself a last minute breather while defending from something that only targets buildings.
Zap: Use it to stun, stop and cycle! Pretty self-explanatory
Poison: Pretty much another swarm and glass cannon destroyer, yes I know there are many already but it has also another purpose: take care of buildings. Use it for Ecollector and spawners the moment you see them at all costs, and maybe as a last minute defense option if needed.
Tombstone: Your building of the deck. It's your only salvation against fast buildings targeters like Hog Rider, so save them for that purpose. Also can be used as a last minute defense option


  • Before double elixir: Never make the first move. Wait for your opponent to come at you first, counter his push, then counterpush (no pun intended) But in all seriousness, this deck, and your play is built around a reliable and strong defense. Do not trouble yourself by overcommitting and then running out of elixir for defending against a big push.
  • You should just defend any pushes the opponent might be thinking about playing. If you suspect a goblin barrel, for example, just ready your E-Wiz just in case. No thoughts on positive elixir trades. Whatever the case is, you should be on the defensive side since it will be made up with a deadly counterpush that will most likely destroy your opponent thanks to their lack of elixir.
  • Double elixir does not mean "push immediately". In fact, it's quite the opposite if you have already somewhat taken the lead. Of course, if you're losing or in a stalemate, please go for the push.
  • If you have taken a comfortable lead, in which I mean, at least one crown destroyed with both your crown towers above a 1000 HP, defend and just defend.
  • If you're winning by a small margin, it will depend on what the opponent is using. If the opponent uses some win condition that is guaranteed chip damage, it's better to go for another tower in all honesty. But if that person uses some other card it's recommended to stay deep and defend.


Ice Spirit: There are no substitutions

Zap: You can substitute the Zap for The Log, Giant Snowball or Arrows

Poison: There are no substitutions

Mega Knight: There are no substitutions

Inferno Dragon: There are no substitutions

Electro Wizard: There are no substitutions

Mini P.E.K.K.A: I might surprise you, but it's not a bad idea to replace it with Prince. Night Witch and Lumberjack are good options too.

Inferno Dragon: Inferno Tower, but not really recommended

Tombstone: Cannon, but not really recommended

Against other deck archetypes (meta)[]

Classic Hog (Cycle)

You should be fine if you counter the opponent effectively and counterpush often, but get ready for insane chip damage and make sure you do damage of your own. However, it wouldn't be wrong to say that this deck does okay against Hog Cycle 6/10

Logbait (Control)

Against Logbait without Inferno Tower it's all good, as Mega Knight destroys many bait cards. But with Inferno Tower, it wouldn't bode well as Mega Knight is pretty much useless in these cases, therefore allowing bait cards like Goblin Gang, Dart Goblin , Princess and Goblin Barrel to do damage. But I would say if you play patient enough, you should be able to deal with Logbait with ITower. 5/10

Golem (Beatdown)

Even with Inferno Dragon it's kind of mediocre against Golem decks because of the fact that Night Witch and Lumberjack step into the picture, and Mega Knight may get overwhelmed by bats and the rage if not dealt with quick enough. But still, play it smart and you should be able to deal with Golem. 5/10

3M (Royal Hogs/ Miner Ram) Control (Control, duh)

Okay that's a little too easy for an explanation in the first place lmao. All I can say is, let the Mega Knight have the time of his life. 10/10

Royal Hogs (Control)

Another ez for Mega Knight 10/10

Graveyard Poison:

You will destroy since Mega Knight can counter the opponent's ground troops easily, and the Poison can easily handle the Graveyard. Push with Mega Knight every once in a while. 9/10
