Clash Royale Wiki



I made this deck myself randomly(don't ask how) and somehow been winning me a lot of games. This is a meme deck, don't expect to win consistently.

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: Harked/Mr Awesome Sauce1
Minimum Recommended King Level: 9
Maximum Recommended King Level: 15
Arena Required: Miner's Mine (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 3.1 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Hunter: Mostly used for defending, use for tanky troops in conjunction with distraction troops
Goblin Gang: Use for distracting or putting pressure
Mirror: Use with skelly barrel or defending
Royal Recruits: Almost exclusively for defending, can also put pressure in opposite lane and counter-push, making it a great, versatile card
Tornado: Can be used defensively or offensively, pick your choice!
Ice Spirit: Use for defending or as a mini-support troop for pushes
The Log: Same as tornado, but use much more defensively
Skeleton Barrel: The main attacker, can be used defensively, can be used to create pressure, or for a push. Using mirror on this is mostly advised for 2x elixir.


  • Mirroring the skeleton barrel offensively is better for 2x elixir. If they can defend it, you are going to be down quite a lot of elixir!
  • You can defend with royal recruits, then use skeleton barrel, and if you want, with mirror to counter-push. They will have to defend the left AND right side!
  • The hunter is almost always going to be used for big, tanky troops, or the balloon. Be sure to use him with distracting troops like goblin gang, or/and with stalling troops like ice spirit because he doesn't have a lot of health.
  • Royal Recruits are an overall great card for defense and counter-pushing. Be sure to counter-push if you can to get the most value out of them.
  • You can skeleton barrel or goblin gang first play. They're cheap and if not dealt with properly can do quite some damage on the enemy tower. They can also be used to reveal some of the enemy's cards.
  • You can do hunter + ice spirit + any other card to defend against hog or ram rider. It might be a negative elixir trade, but most of your other cards are cheap.
  • You will eventually need to overcommit for some threats. But don't overcommit.
  • A good player who manages elixir will be good against bridge-spam. You can use Royal Recruits against bridge spam. Its a good defensive card. And since they overcommit at the bridge, it'll be your time to counterpush!
  • The mirror can be used if an important counter is out of rotation.
  • If they have mega-knight and they are going to push, put pressure with skeleton barrel. The mega-knight is as hard of a card to deal with as it is...