Clash Royale Wiki



This deck has one of the highest skill caps of any deck, but can be incredibly rewarding if played well. This is the deck Mohamed Light uses from time to time, and he pushed to top 1 last season (September 2024) when the meta is full of Evolved P.E.K.K.A. spam. This deck relies on cycling Princess and later Rockets to whittle down the enemy tower, while defending with the cards in this deck. The preferred evolutions are Skeleton and Tesla

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: DartDartPopper
Minimum Recommended King Level: 11
Maximum Recommended King Level: 15
Arena Required: Silent Sanctuary (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 2.9 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Skeletons: One of your evolutions and cycle cards. Acts as a distraction that can damage troops that do not target them.
Tesla: Another of your evolutions. This is your defensive building and one of your anti-air
Princess: Princess provides some splash damage, but her main role is to chip the tower. She will often land a hit against most players even if they have a direct spell counter to her like The Log.
Rocket: Your big spell and doubles as a win condition. Can be used to defend a massive push, or chip the tower with its high damage even to Crown Towers
Little Prince: Little Prince is a Champion, providing 3-card cycle. He is your main ranged DPS and provides more anti-air. His ability makes him really versatile, able to function like a third damaging spell on defense or even a mini-tank should the situation call for it.
Knight: Your main mini-tank. His evolution can be used if you do not have both Skeletons and Tesla evolutions unlocked.
The Log: Your small spell. Mainly used against swarms or Loggables, can be used to cycle too.
Electro Spirit: Another of your cycle cards, providing stuns and chain splash, that can also double as a distaction. You can cycle it at the bridge as this deck does not care much about King Tower activation because Princess and Rocket, your win conditions, are not affected by it.

