Clash Royale Wiki



Hello, I am Intellicraft, and this is my first deck I am posting to this wiki. It is a bridge spam deck that can really punish players for deploying high cost slow troops in the back of the arena, while being able to support the win conditions if your opponent is not playing a beatdown deck.

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: Intellicraft
Minimum Recommended King Level: 6
Maximum Recommended King Level: 10
Arena Required: Hog Mountain (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 3.6 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Wizard: Great at supporting the Hog Rider and Battle Ram, while countering swarms, Balloons, Baby Dragons, and Witches.
Skeleton Army: Great at defeating tanks and hard hitters. and a bridge spam card, if you know your opponent has no splash cards in hand.
Minions: Secondary defense against Balloons if your Wizard is supporting the win conditions or can defend against Inferno Dragon and Lava Hound.
Battle Ram: One of the two primary win conditions of this deck, and can be used as a last resort defense.
Furnace: If you want to save your wizard for Witches, and Balloons, then the Furnace will provide ongoing defense for your win conditions, and distract building targeting troops.
Zap: Used to reset attacks from the Inferno Tower/Dragon and Sparky, while can be used to clear swarms to let the Battle Ram through.
Fireball: Used to defend against Wizard/hard hitter cards.
Hog Rider: Your second win condition win condition, and can take out a tower along with a Battle Ram if your opponent has spent their elixir on a Golem or P.E.K.K.A.


  • If your starting hand has the Battle Ram or Hog Rider, and your opponent has spent its elixir on a Golem or P.E.K.K.A, them spam these cards at the bridge.
  • Use your Fireball to take out area damage cards defending tanks, or use it to support your win conditions.
  • If your opponent is not using heavy cards, then use a Furnace for ongoing defense for your win conditions.
  • Save your Minions if you do not have a Wizard in rotation to defend against Balloons, and use them against Inferno cards.
  • Save Zap for your win conditions or for resetting Inferno cards, Sparky, and Balloons.