Clash Royale Wiki

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: GrandWiz05
Minimum Recommended King Level: 9
Maximum Recommended King Level: 13
Arena Required: Miner's Mine (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 4.6 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Giant: Your win condition. Since your support troops are very expensive, a cheap tank like Giant is great as he provide enough health and damage to not be ignored on his own.
Sparky: Primary support behind your Giant. Great defensive unit against ground based pushes. Due to her somewhat high hit-point, she acts as a secondary tank for your other support troops in a push.
Minion Horde: Spell bait high damage air swarm. Hard countered by Arrows and can be taken out by most big Spell for a positive Elixir trade, but can be very lethal when Spells are out of the opponents hand.
Wizard: Area Splash air defending unit. Vulnerable to Spell and have shorter range then Musketeer so requires more though when used.
Mini P.E.K.K.A.: Ground single targeting high DPS unit. Great support behind your Giant because of his fast move speed. One shot Wizard and anything with similar health.
Dark Prince: Ground splash unit. Due to his shield, mediocre DPS, splash and a charge mechanic, he is nice to have in your push. These properties also make him a good defensive unit on your side.
Elixir Collector: The absolute core of this deck. Since this deck has no damaging Spells or any cheap unit to get you value on defense, Pump alongside sacrificing Tower health is the two main method of getting a huge lead in Elixir.
Rage: The staple of this deck. What is the best support for a push that has Giant, Sparky, Wizard and Dark Prince in it? Rage, of course. In addition to not obstructing your push, it is also adds that surprise factor in because nobody is used to dealing with Raged troops.


Hi there! This is the deck used by Schrieffer, a player who has reached 8002 Trophies and globally ranked 324 at his best season, using this exact deck. At first glance it looks like a typical ladder deck, and it is. Just because Schrieffer can climb to Ultimate Champion with this deck doesn’t mean you can.

But the concept of this deck is a great for explaining the Beatdown archetype, so if you’re planning to get into this archetype or have trouble dealing with it, I’m sure this guide will give you some help.

General Tips[]

  • This deck has, there I say, the best offensive potential in the game, strong enough to pierce the sturdiest of defense. What this means is you should never give up no matter how grim the situation seems. Two Tower down? Keep going and you might still turn the tide.
  • This deck contains element of Spell bait, which is a common theme of many beatdown decks. Since Sparky, Pump, Wizard and Minion Horde are all target for Big Spell, they can bait out big Spell for one another.
    • Because of this, identifying your opponent's Spells are key, this way you can abuse the unit or building which they lacks a effective counter to, namely Minion Horde against Lightning, Sparky against Poison. It is not uncommon that you completely abandon one of your card knowing that it will not gain you advantage (e.g. Minion Horde against Arrows, Elixir Collector against Earthquake).
  • Often time this deck will gain Elixir advantage through sacrificing Tower health. Your objective is to snowball on the Elixir advantage while not getting three crowned in the process.
    • A common approach is to Pump after you have an Elixir advantage. Your opponent have a few options, such as Spell it down, rush you or ignore it and bank their Elixir.
      • If the opponent use Spells on your Pump, it is your best opportunity to initiate a Sparky push, since they are now down on Elixir and does not have a big Spell to deal with your clumped support.
      • If the opponent decides to rush you, you can either slightly defense, for example with a Wizard behind your Princess Tower, to reduce damage dealt to your Tower then counter push.
        • Alternatively, you can completely abandon your Tower to gain even larger Elixir advantage (given that the push is clearly impossible to defend, e.g. Mega Knight Bats) which you can use to overwhelm your opponent with since they spend so much Elixir on offense. You can Sparky on the opposite lane behind the King Tower while doing so, as she can deal with the remaining troops.
      • If your opponent decides to bank Elixir and defend, build a push anyways, but stagger your troops so that your opponent don't demolish your push with a big Spell. It can be good to have Sparky, Giant and Dark Prince/Mini P.E.K.K.A. and hold your Elixir to decide what you will follow up your push with, usaully Wizard for swarms and Minion Horde for heavy ground defender.

Always Rage your push, as it makes the push way harder to defend for just 2 Elixir.


This deck can run over decks that doesn't have the appropriate counter, namely deck with no big Spells or a big Spell that is bad on defense (yes you, Poison).

Hard matchup would be bait decks, as they rarely commit Elixir and bait win-condition such as Skeleton Barrels or Goblin Barrels can deal a lot of damage given the opponent does not have a small Spell, and they usuaully run heavy big Spell like Fireball or Rocket themselves.


Opposite to Cycle decks where they deny as much damage on their Tower as possible, you'll have to get comfortable with sacraficing Tower health, in order to conserve your resource and overwhelm your opponent. You'll have to get ahead of your opponent and know their card cycle is to master this deck, but even without all that this deck is a very fun deck to play and watch, as simply stacking support behind Giant and Raging after gaining an Elixir advantage can win you a lot of games against inexperience player.

That's about it for the deck guide, have fun clashing!
