I was struggling to get to 5k trophies, getting repeatedly tap-danced on by people who outleveled me. I used multiple decks, but this was the one to overcome multiple overleveled opponents and let me reach 5k, and then some. Versatile deck, primarily based around a sudden attack after gaining a sufficient elixir advantage.
This deck is also one of the most stereotypical midladder style decks.
Deck Information[]
- Deck Created by: Cerenk
- Minimum Recommended King Level: 9
- Maximum Recommended King Level: 13
- Arena Required: Electro Valley (Wrong?)
- Average Elixir Cost: 3.6 (Wrong?)
- More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder
Card Roles[]
- Princess: This deck mainly relies in princess chip interactions in the early game, and using princess to probe your opponents deck and figure out their counters. In overtime, when princess cannot strike the tower without being easily blocked, princess can be placed in the back. She is much more valuable than 3 elixir the longer she remains alive on the field.
- Mega Knight: Mega Knight is a heavy, splashing tank. Jump attacks vaporise fireballies and he provides a bastion of support for the more fragile units in this deck. Not requiring much thought to use, a ground-heavy push can often be countered with a single Mega Knight. Use sparingly, as to not give your opponent an elixir advantage.
- Mini P.E.K.K.A.: MP is a powerful tank killer, high dps and able to one-shot fireballies. Weak against swarms. Not much explanation required, place him on top of mid-weight units to quickly neutralise them, and counterpush with him.
- Minions: Minions is a great card, three fast ranged attackers for a modest price. Princess & Minions can arrows bait for each other, depending on the situation. One more thing is that Minions synergise extremely well with a counterpushing megaknight.
- The Log: This deck is extremely low on spells, and The Log is your only one. A useful spell, able to deal with Loggables and push back and buy you time/cycle. Use The Log as you'd use it in other decks.
- Skeleton Army: Your swarm card, spawning a horde of weak attackers. Easily countered, don't solely rely on it on defence, however, it is a welcome addition to any situation. Simply swarm attackers as long as they have counters baited out.
- Cannon: Cannon is your main defensive building. Ground-attacking and good DPS, able to defend against Hogs & Battle Rams effectively. Be cautious with placing it in the early game, lest they sidestep it or counter it straight away and sneak a troop through.
- Electro Wizard: Your primary reset card, as well as being an important defensive unit. The spawn zap wipes out swarms, and the split stun can buy precious time for defending against large pushes.
Princess: Very important for early-game success, changing this would change a lot of the deck, could be swapped for Magic Archer.
Mega Knight: Best not substituted.
Mini P.E.K.K.A.: Could be swapped for Lumberjack, or another glass-cannon tank killer.
Minions: Best substitute is for bats. Cheaper, but even more fragile air defence.
The Log: Could be swapped for arrows or zap, making this deck do much better against cards like minion horde, or other large air swarms.
Skeleton Army: Goblin Gang is the main substitute, slightly buffing the air defence.
Cannon: Swapping for Tesla or Tombstone. Each with their own benefits & drawbacks. A side note: I used to use Magic Archer instead
Electro Wizard: Quite important as the prime reset card, should not be swapped.
An interesting part of this deck.... is that it lacks a win condition. It also lacks a big spell, however, a lot of troops can make this deck hard to counter when you're on attack. So a good rule for this deck is: If it can hit the tower, it's a win condition. Early game, use princess to get easy chip on the tower, however, don't play if you're at an elixir deficit, instead prepare for an enemy push. It takes experience to understand which card combos of an opponent are countered by which of your cards. Cycle MP in the back, or log for chip. If necessary, E Wiz in the back.
Note: Tips[]
- This deck is not good for split-lane pressure, due to every card being a specialist of it's kind. A split-lane attack has too many counters for either push. However, princess can be put in the opposite lane to rain down fire arrows on the attacking or defending hostile troops.
- This is, in theory & practice, a control deck. Defend against your opponents plays with your numerous specialist cards, combining together to create powerful synergies.
- And after that, suddenly amass a huge beatdown, placing from the bridge to the princess tower and wipe them out. I recommend doing that after your obtain a significant elixir advantage.
Late Game[]
- With more elixir at your disposal, amassing an attack will be easier. Against decks that can counter MK easily, for example, P.E.K.K.A. Bridgespam, you want to wipe them out before this time period, otherwise during this time they'll constantly have elixir to defend against your attacks. If you can obtain your advantage, just defend solidly and try to chip them away with log & princess
- Against more lightweight decks, allow them to cycle and attack you with their weaker, lightweight cards. Allow your troops to pool around your tower, providing they don't have a spell like rocket to gain value off them. Then, once you have enough stockpiled, unleash hell on them on push through.
- This deck requires solid defence, dealing with repeated attacks while trying to build up a stockpile of surviving defence troops.
- X-Bow (7.5/10)[]
When playing against X-Bow, you are constantly on a razor-thin wire. A tiny, tiny mistake costs 1,000 damage or the game, however, if they make a slight mistake, your deck is punishing enough to wipe them out and take a crown the majority of the time.
Mega knight and minions can often deal with an X-bow + Tesla at the front, however, be careful of more support cards coming into the fray. MP is great for dealing with their knight 1 on 1, and crippling their X-bow. Log is useful for chip & delay.
- Mortar (6/10)[]
I lack experience playing this deck against Mortar, though a good rule of thumb is to try your best to not give them offensive opportunites, and distract the Mortar with MP, MK, or Cannon. Against Mortar, though, you want to invest in the back, like an MP, and then push off of him and try to gain damage through that.
- Golem Nightwitch (6.5/10)[]
This deck does struggle against golem, due to lacking inferno cards, and MP being the only damage-resistant high DPS card. Skeleton army may suffice for one of the two forms. Cannon allows you to kite, and cards like E-Wiz, Skeleton Army, MP & Princess will help you defend against a beatdown. MP in the other lane may break their combo.
- Giant Double-Prince (4/10)[]
The two princes can be devastating to deal with, good-ish health and DPS, along with being extremely fast cards. However, Mega Knight solos both princes. The giant? Mini P.E.K.K.A.
It will be hard for you to break through, however, as long as they have princes in cycle. Without the jump or spawn damage, MK has poor DPS for a 7 elixir card. Princess will be vital to constantly chipping away at their health, or wiping out Bats, Spear Gobs, Gob Gang.
- Giant Graveyard (5/10)[]
Graveyard can be troublesome to deal with, especially if they decide to pack poison and go for a heavy push. Skeleton army or Minions, in the case of no poison, is a great defence to graveyard.
However, if they do, a princess behind the king tower, or an E-Wiz in the fray can mitigate the majority of the Graveyard damage. MP is good defense against giant, although and additional cannon is preferred.
This deck doesn't have a good method of getting your own king activation, so graveyard decks may be troublesome to deal with.
- Lavaloon (9/10)[]
This deck has poor air defence, rendering Lavaloon almost a full counter. Princess has too low DPS to properly assist with Lavaloon, and although the E-Wiz helps, and the minions have great DPS, further supporting troops and Lightning are devastating.
A base race is possible, but it's hard to out-damage a balloon + supporting troops.
- Hog 2.6/2.8 (3/10)[]
Cannon is important for defence, although they can often outcycle it. MP and log denies a hog for a negative trade when cannon is out of cycle. If timed right, MK can fully deny a hog, or, in a worse case, allow 1 hit.
Allow your troops to pool near your tower, preferably any troop that is NOT one of your fireballies, and then counter attack and take advantage of their somewhat lackluster defence. I have managed to crumple many Hog Cycle players with one decisive push. Probably their main weakness.
- Hog EQ (6/10)[]
The Earthquake is effectively a hard counter to your cannon, and because if its large radius, its also difficult to properly play mind games with its placement, however you should be able to divert long enough to drop a troop and stop it.
Survive till double elixir, and you'll have no trouble pooling troops on the Hog Rider and then turning the tide by swarming them.
- Miner Poison (3.5/10)[]
Skeleton army is a almost a dead card on defence, though it may be useful as an extra support on attack if nothing else. Try and catch the miner with MP, which is able to deal with it extremely easily.
Troops like MK should be able to bust through their defense somewhat easily, provided they have Princess or MP support.
Try to not to let them gain an elixir advantage on you, although that goes without saying.
- Drill Cycle (7/10)[]
Quite poor on splash cards, with deck struggles with dealing with the Goblin Drill. Cannon defends against threats like WB's, and MP goes toe-to-toe with Valk and comes out on top. Log and Skarmy are the main counters this deck has to resist the drill.
Not much to say, play like normal, pool your resources then swamp your opponent.
- Logbait (4/10)[]
Save your log for the goblin barrel, unless skeleton army is in cycle and in elixir cost. However, don't frequent skeleton army lest they log it and your tower takes massive damage. E-Wiz, MP, Cannon for the princess. And idle leftover cannon can defeat a Gob Gang.
If they start rocket cycling? That takes a chunk of elixir, try and build a beatdown with MK, MP, and E-Wiz. You must bring E-Wiz with MK every time, otherwise that inferno tower will make short work of it. If you feel risky, use log to support to wipe out a potential Gob Gang or other cards, and have Skeleton Army ready for their barrel.
- FB Bait: (8/10)[]
Not having fireball makes versing FB Bait strange. Often packing Royal Hogs, cannon cannot deal with it alone. Log will help a lot here against them.
Mother Witch denies you placing Skeleton Army or Minions as long as it's on the field, so aim to take it out fast. You do not have an easy counter to a flying machine, so try and let it get in range for you to place an E-Wiz on top of it.
Magic Archer is a minor threat, as he does negligible damage to everything but Skarmy, Princess and E-Wiz.
MP can one-shot fireballies, he will be vital for counterpushes and pushes, try and build attacks off of him.
- P.E.K.K.A. Bridgespam (8/10)[]
The fact that they have a P.E.K.K.A. already makes life difficult, as MK will struggle to be your tool to break through. Skeleton Army may help, but then they have Zap or Poison. Try and take them out in the early game, or at least secure a damage advantage.
They can out-spell cycle you as you only have The Log, compared to Poison + Zap. Try and get Princess shots in, or if you're using the Mag Arch variant, rely on his geometry to get damage.
Cannon and MP and Skeletons is Defence against cards like Bandit, Battle Ram, and Dark Prince, not respectively.
- 3M Bridgespam (?/10)[]
I have almost no experience against playing against any 3M decks, although, I can theorise that if they play 3M behind the King and lose most of their elixir, a good idea with this deck would be to rush the tower with 1 less Musketeer, and go in with Mega Knight + Minions, or Mega Knight + MP. Try and break the combo on the other side and defend with Skeleton Army, or another similar card.
Allowing them to accumulate elixir would be a generally poor idea, their deck is based around 3M, don't let them play it.
Leveling Sequence[]
Priority 1:[]
Mega Knight/Minions/Mini P.E.K.K.A.[]
All of these cards are pivotal for the deck to succeed, and gain the most value from levelling up.
Mega Knight having a great health pool, and decent damage makes every level count. An overleveled MK is just that much harder to deal with.
Minions will find itself being used to cycle very frequently, and it being the most level-dependent card and with extreme DPS for cost makes it important to get overleveled or at least even.
Mini P.E.K.K.A.'s heavy damage, and large increase per level makes it a high priority, as it will be able to go toe-to-toe with an equal level MK, and wipe out fireballies and heavy hitters with ease.
Priority 2:[]
The Log/Princess[]
The Log should be high levelled to deal with enemies with over-levelled loggables. Extra damage on a frequently used card is welcome, regardless.
Princess dealing more damage, and being frequently used makes it a useful card to level up.
Priority 3:[]
Electro Wizard/Cannon[]
Of less priority than the others, but not to be ignored. Electro Wizard's main purpose is to reset, rather than damage. Levelling him up is not of massive concern. Although, his interaction with a Minion Horde can change if too far under levelled.
Cannon is useful on defense, and shouldn't be underlevelled, however, it is not in the slightest necessary for a high-levelled cannon for this deck to succeed.
Priority 4:[]
Skeleton Army[]
Skeletons are one-shot by everything in the game, except for an opposing under-levelled skeleton. While their DPS does increase the more you level them up, and a severely over-levelled skeleton army will not be one-shot by an Arena Tower, it makes them a low priority for upgrading.
Last Words:[]
This deck, pushing me through the chaotic midladder, whilst being a stupid midladder deck itself, is my favourite deck out of every single one I've tried. I hope that you can have to same success I do, or even improve on it. Thank You.