Deck Information[]
- Deck Created by: Vladscarlat
- Minimum Recommended King Level: 1
- Maximum Recommended King Level: 15
- Arena Required: Hog Mountain (Wrong?)
- Average Elixir Cost: 4.5 (Wrong?)
- More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder
Card Roles[]
- Giant Skeleton: Does a lot of damage and can kill a prince
- Arrows: Can destroy a Skeleton Army
- Goblin Barrel: Can take a tower down if the time is almost over and the enemy took one of your arena towers, but he has 200-300 life left. Even if it will be draw, it is better than losing trophies.
- Minion Horde: Counters a lot of enemies
- Prince: Can do over 200-300 damage to the arena tower
- Skeleton Army: Counters A LOT of enemies (Inferno Tower, Sparky, P.E.K.K.A, Electro Wizard, Prince, Giant Skeleton)
- Freeze: Freezes the enemy troops
- P.E.K.K.A.: Can do over 800 damage to the arena tower
- The Giant Skeleton can beat down a prince.
- The Arrows can destroy a Skeleton Army.
- The Minion Horde can counter a lot of enemies, even the Inferno Tower
- If you use a P.E.K.K.A and the enemy tries to counter your P.E.K.K.A with his Skeleton Army freeze the Skeleton Army with the Freeze Spell so the P.E.K.K.A will be able to kill some skeletons, so after that the Skeleton Army will be weak.
- Sorry I forgot to add that the Goblin Barrel can take the princess tower down if it has 1-200 and something life left. Please read! Thank you!