Deck Information[]
- Deck Created by: ScarL4life
- Minimum Recommended King Level: 8
- Maximum Recommended King Level: 13
- Arena Required: Miner's Mine (Wrong?)
- Average Elixir Cost: 3.8 (Wrong?)
- More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder
Card Roles[]
- Executioner: A defensive lynchpin of the deck, being the deck’s main counter to elixir golem, lava hound, balloon and swarms, particularly the minion horde. Synergizes very well with Tornado on offense and defense. Of special note is its ability to hit support troops behind tanks with the help
- Zap: Very versatile spell, able to reset high DPS cards sparky, inferno tower, and inferno dragon, which are otherwise very annoying for this deck to deal with, while also providing cheap swarm elimination, minimizing deck cost and cycle time.
- Poison: It serves as a reliable counter to graveyard-freeze decks. Without poison, this deck struggles against this combo heavily with its lack of cards outside of bats ( which die to freeze ) that have a fast enough hit speed to deal with the swarm of skeletons when the princess tower is frozen. It also serves as a potent counter to split decks, specifically the deadly 3M splits, as Tornado+poison can group 3M after a split attempt and take them out. It also helps offensively by preventing the relatively slow hitting troops in this deck from being overwhelmed by a swarm, particularly when the other splash spells in this deck are out of cycle or there isn’t enough elixir to drop them. Besides swarms it also helps take out the opponent’s medium-health nuisances on offence or defense like ice wizard, wizard, witch etc. On top of this it takes care of both spawners and elixir pumps, helping deal with 2 more investment-dependent deck archetypes.
- Fisherman: Another defensive lynchpin of the deck, being able to take out hog, which this deck otherwise has trouble dealing with quickly and cheaply when tornado is out of cycle, while shredding rushers, tanks and mini tanks like dark prince, bandit, miner, battle ram, mini pekka, valkyrie, mega knight, and giant skeleton with the help of the towers for a positive elixir trade, all the while serving as a secondary tornado of sorts to activate the king tower. Not to mention that once the king tower is activated it shreds even quicker. Taking out miner and hog is important for this deck to mitigate chip damage from these cards, which cycle decks rely on. All these defensive capabilities crammed into a 3-elixir card helps minimize deck cost and cycle length. On offence, it also aids in preventing the PEKKA from being kited by pulling distractions such as the ice golem to their doom.
- Bats: Helps distract/take out inferno tower, inferno dragon and sparky, which otherwise have the potential to be quite problematic for this deck. Also a very cheap source of DPS for the deck to quickly deal with aerial threats like lava hound and balloon while keeping deck costs and cycle time low. Is also good for supporting pushes with extra DPS and taking out mortars and x-bows.
- Tornado: On offence, it helps prevent the PEKKA from being kited, being crucial in helping it get to the tower without being killed while also countering swarms. Combined with the PEKKA’s high single target damage, and the executioner’s high splash damage, it enables the deck’s main push ( pekka+executioner+fisherman/ewiz ) to shred through defensive staples like valkyrie, cannon cart, and ice wizard. On defence, not only does it greatly enhance the deck's defensive capabilities with king tower activation, providing an extra layer of security, it serves as a secondary counter to very dangerous cards like elite barbarians, goblin barrel, and mini pekka when the other counters to them in this deck are out of cycle and synergizes very well with executioner. King tower activation synergizes well with zap as the goblin barrel will deal negligible damage after zap with it active. Tornado also works well for grouping cards like royal hogs and 3M when fighting split push decks. In combination with zap, it helps fight off bait decks since you will have multiple, relatively cheap swarm-elimination cards, so it will be harder for them to catch you without one e.g. if you use zap on something and they drop go barrel you have tornado.
- Electro Wizard: Counter to Inferno dragon, and the inferno tower, which otherwise gives the PEKKA an extremely hard time reaching the tower. On defense serves as a hard stop to sparky, which otherwise shreds through this deck. Stalls RG and balloon so there is more time to deal with these problematic defence targeting troops. Also stalls others dangerous troops like PEKKA on defense quite well, giving more time to build up elixir to defend. Stuns troops on offence making them easier to deal with.
- P.E.K.K.A.: PEKKA is the wincon the deck is built around. Shreds through tanks on both offense and defense, most importantly the RG since this deck lacks any buildings. Serves as a blanket counter to many very threatening cards like ebarbs and golem which otherwise blow through this deck when on defense.
- For the first two minutes of the battle, stall with defense as much as possible. This deck isn't very good on offence until double elixir time. Wait until double elixir time to build a massive push with the PEKKA in the back. This deck shifts closer to beatdown at this time since double elixir time allows you to have enough elixir to have a truly terrifying PEKKA push that is very hard to stop outside of using the rocket.
- The deck excels at gaining elixir advantages on defense, so use cards like executioner and PEKKA to counterpush after defense. Besides this, when possible, always invest in the back with PEKKA if available and executioner as a second choice. Investing forces the opponent to attack first, which plays into the defensive strength of this deck and takes advantage of your elixir advantage. Investing with PEKKA specifically gives you more time to build up elixir for that
- While this is a defence-centred deck for the first two minutes, you might not have all the proper counters you need to deal with the opponent's cards in cycle in the early game. In that case, aim to save elixir on defense and cycle to the correct card so you can have it for later.
- Wait until double elixir time to build a massive push with the PEKKA in the back while fending off their attacks. This deck shifts closer to beatdown at this time since double elixir time allows you to have enough elixir to have a truly terrifying PEKKA push that is very hard to stop outside of using the rocket.
- This deck relies on one specific counter to some very threatening wincon cards ( 3M, graveyard w/ freeze, RG, golem ) so make SURE you don't waste them on something else when facing decks with these cards.