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This is deck I'm currently running with my secondary account. It brought me to Challenger III at King level 8. It does really well against a lot of differents matchups and isn't level dependant

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: MakeP.E.K.K.A.GreatAgain
Minimum Recommended King Level: 7
Maximum Recommended King Level: 13
Arena Required: Electro Valley (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 3.8 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

P.E.K.K.A.: A very versatile card. In this deck, she should ONLY be used on defense and then on counter pushing. You can support her with the eWiz who will shut down the infernoes. She can also tank for the Balloon
Ice Golem: A really powerful card to have on defense. Use it to kite ground units, kill Bats and Skeletons. You can also cycle with it and finally. It is a cheap meat shield for your Balloon
Balloon: Your main win condition. Never send it alone unless your opponent has 0 elixir. It can be counter very easily so get your spell ready!
Miner: Your main tank for the Balloon. Can also be used to do chip damage. Don't hesitate to use him on defense or to pick off lone and weak support (Firecracker, Musketeer etc...)
Zap: Kills swarm units and reset Infernoes.
Fireball: Kills bigger units. Also useful against Minion Horde
Mega Minion: An amazing defensive card! Doesn't even die to fireball! Use it to kill supports when they're being distracted by your Ice Golem or the PEKKA
Electro Wizard: A great support for the PEKKA and another great defensive card. Useful against any types of air nuisances (Lava Hound, Balloon, etc...)


Single Elixir[]

  • Do one of the following openning play ranked by order:

1. Ice Golem behind your King tower

2. MIner in a safe spot to avoid Tornado King activation, this should force a answer from your opponent if he/she doesn't want to take damage.

3. Zap your opponent's Princess tower

4. Mega Minion in one of the bottom corner. This however leaves you vulnerable to Balloon rushes, so be careful

  • If your opponent still doesn't react, you can use the already deployed Ice Golem to tank for a Balloon
  • Never puts you in a large elixir disadvantage because this deck relies on punishing your opponent for overspending
  • NEVER play a PEKKA in the back, this isn't a beatdown deck so this is not needed.

Double Elixir[]

  • Try to apply a lot of pressure and force your opponent to overcommit. If he/she does overspend on offense, defend with the PEKKA and then wait for your elixir to recover. Since he/she is already low on elixir, your opponent will be more likely to defend your PEKKA with all of his remaining elixir (because no one wants a PEKKA to get one or two swing off on a tower). This is where you can deploy a Balloon behind the PEKKA, she will absorb all of the hits, making the way for the Balloon. Guarenteed heavy damage.
  • If the game eventually reaches overtime, keep applying pressure. If your Balloon can't reach the the tower. You'll need to Miner cycle.
  • A good combo to finish off a low HP tower is sending a Miner and then a prediction Fireball. The Fireball will do great damage on the tower and perhaps kill the defending units, the Miner should do the job. Although this isn't as effective as Miner Poison, it can still surprise your opponent and ensure your victory.
  • Always know your CT spell damage, a misscalculated Fireball cycle will often cost you the victory

Card Combos[]

Offensive Combos[]

  • PEKKA + Electro wizard -> You can perform this combo after succesfuly defending with one of the 2 troops. The PEKKA will wreck anything in sight while the eWiz shutdowns Infernoes and clears small swarm. This combination is still vulnerable to large swarm so get your spells ready. The stun mechanic will often buy time for the PEKKA to get that one extra swing on the tower before dying.
  • Miner + Balloon "MinerLoon" -> This is your main combo for taking down towers. Only perform it when you have a large elixir advantage. It will put your opponent into a very tricky situation because of the Miner chipping the tower AND tanking for the balloon. This is a high-risk high-reward play beause it can still be easily defended for a POSITIVE ELIXER TRADE (Infernoes, Minion Horde, etc...). You can do the same combo with the Ice Golem tanking for the Balloon and killing possible Bats.
  • PEKKA + Balloon "PEKKA Loon" -> Your ultimate game winning combo! Use it after defending a big push with the PEKKA and send a sneaky Balloon behind, both unit does massive damage and your opponent will usually can't defend it because they won't have enough elixir so this is AT LEAST heavy damage on the tower (if not a completely wrecked tower followed by a three crown!)

Defensive Combos[]

  • Ice Golem + Mega Minion -> A cheap but effective combo against small pushes. The Ice Golem will kite ground targeting units in the kill zone, while the Mega Minion slowly but surely kill them with the help of both Princess tower.
  • PEKKA + Mega Minion -> The bigger version of the previous combo. Use it aginst big beatdown push. The PEKKA destroys the tank AND distracts the glass cannons while your Mega Minion kills them. Place the PEKKA in the center of your side if the tank is ground targetiong or in front of it if it's building targeting. DO NOT Zap the glass cannons or it will make them to retarget onto the Mega Minion.
  • Fireball + Zap -> Heck yeah! You can use also use this spell combo on offense but I'd personnally keep it for defense. For 6 elixir, it can kill a bunch of Fireballies. Use it to kill when they are clumped up together in a small push (Wizard + Musketeer etc...).
  • Electro Wizard + Mega Minion -> That's the anti-air combo. Don't clump them up together in case they want to Fireball or even Lightning them.
  • Yes, they aren't that many defensive combos, that's because most of the time, a PEKKA should be enough aginst ground pushes. The 1st one should be used against non PEKKA-worthy push and the 2nd one against big push where a PEKKA wouldn't be enough.

Card replacement[]

Since you may not have these cards high level enough, you may want to sub them for other cards. However there aren't that much replacements you can make.

  • This is a PEKKA Loon deck so you CAN'T change the PEKKA and the Balloon!
  • Miner -> Knight : The main goal of the Miner in this deck is to tank for the Balloon, so you can sub him for the Knight without having any big issues. The only bad thing is that you lose some this deck's already low chip damage potential
  • Fireball -> Poison : The Poison synergies perfectly with the Miner (assuming you keep him in the deck) and DOES kill the Fireballies, which means you don't rely on using Fireball + Zap anymore, sounds great right? But? Why the hell don't I use it on the original deck? That's because Fireball has that instant reaction the Poison hasn't. So the choice is up to you. Do you want time? Pick the Fireball! Do you want value? Go for the Poison!
  • Electro Wizard -> Minion Horde : Okay, so before you say this makes no sense, let me tell you this: I've been playing this deck with the Horde for a long time before unlocking the eWiz. I didn't even know why but this worked perfectly. Heavy DPS, deadly combo with the Miner. If you don't have the eWiz or if he's not levelled enough, the Minion Horde works perfectly!

Matchups (From Hardest to Easiest)[]

  • Lava Hound -> The bane of any PEKKA player's existence. You can legitimately say "I'm screwed" when you see a Lava Hound. With only 2 anti air cards, this deck has a lot of trouble dealing with Hounds. You'll need to keep your eWiz and your Mega Minion in your cycle at any cost. Kite with the Ice Golem, use your spell or deploy the PEKKA... Never ever use your air targeting unit on ground units. That's the only way you can deal with Hounds deck. One trick you can use when you're NOT facing LavaLoon is to place your PEKKA the same lane of the Hound; this won't stop the Hound but it will distract the units behind, giving you time to kill them with the Mega Minion. You can even ignore the Hound untill ALL the support units are taken down. When the Hound is about to pop, use your eWiz on top the Pups to negate their high damage output. Against LavaLoon, you can't really defend so apply a lot of pressure, don't let your opponent build an unstoppable LavaLoon push. If necessary, a 3-crowns race is a good option.
  • Hog Cycle -> A LOT easier than Hounds deck but still not an easy matchup. PEKKA Loon is 3.8 which is not terrible aginst quick cycle decks but 2.6 WILL give you trouble. Against the Hog Rider, you basiclly have 2 options: eWiz or PEKKA. The eWiz should be used if you have a CT damage advantage when you can afford a Hog swing OR if you have an elixir disadvantage. The eWiz won't prevent a hit on you tower. A perfectly placed AND timed PEKKA will deny any Hog hit on your tower. You should use her if you don't want a single hit on your tower (this however needs a quick reaction from yourself) or if you're planning to counter push after defending. On offense try your best to bait the Cannon. This and the Musketeer will completely shutdown the Balloon. Use your spell to get rid of the small units and placing your Balloon on the bypass spot will definitely help you get a connection.
  • X-Bow Cycle (2.9 or "IceBow") -> You might be saying: "Wait, What? I can destroy the X-Box with my Balloon, how is this a hard matchup? Well, that fact is a good X-Bow player can utilise their Tesla and cycle cards, as well as Fireball to prevent a Balloon from getting any damage on the X-Bow when they have an Elixir lead. P.E.K.K.A. is going to have trouble breaking through too, because both Skeletons and Ice Golem can stall her for a long time. This matchup is more reliant on the X-Bow player making mistake, because there is not too much you can do about it. Balloon in the bypass spot and try to go in when they do not have Tesla is your best bet. Just as a side note, always trade Tower when the chances present, because X-Bow is not great at two Tower games, especially when the Tower traded is opposite to their own. With the extended deploy zone they will have tough time fending off your Balloon and P.E.K.K.A. from their X-Bow.