Clash Royale Wiki



This deck is great for ladder pushing, and your time to shine using this deck is 2x elixir!

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: thefallen63
Minimum Recommended King Level: 7
Maximum Recommended King Level: 11
Arena Required: Electro Valley (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 3.6 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

P.E.K.K.A.: Pekka: This is your staple, despite it's high elixir cost. Never use it for attack; only counterpush. It is great at combating tanks, glass cannons, and most threats melt away when the Pekka is put down.
Dark Prince: Dark Prince: Unfortunately, the meta is the medium-high arenas (Frozen Peak, Royal Arena, Jungle Arena) is skeleton army, goblin barrel, and numerous other swarm units. Use Dark Prince to counter most of them, and save your Pekka from swarms!
Ice Spirit: Ice Spirit: Great for cycling, as well as taking down low level troops and resetting Inferno Tower and Dragon, as well as freezing things so the tower gets an advantage.
Battle Ram: Battle Ram: Your win condition: Remember to protect it, and make sure to see that the Charge Damage hits the tower.
Mega Minion: Mega Minion: Your counter to aerial tanks, such as Baby Dragon, Balloon, and Lava Hound. Help with Electro Winzard
Electro Wizard: Electro Wizard: Very versatile. Use to stun Infernos, High damage to kill aerial tanks with Mega Minion, and stun troops to give your tower time to take them out. Also lands with a Zap, so use to kill swarms on your side
Zap: Zap: Take out swarms and units at low health, and reset Inferno Tower, Dragon, and Sparky if your Electro Wizard is not in cycle.
Poison: Poison: Kill Glass Cannons, swarms, and excellent counter to spawners. Also take out things that Zap can't kill.


  • Use Battle Ram to constantly chip away at the opponents tower and burn his elixir and his defenses.
  • Use Dark Prince to tank and to destroy swarms.
  • If opponent puts down tank, use Pekka to defend and counterpush with Dark Prince and Electro Wizard
  • In 2x Elixir,use PEKKA to push if opponent has used up their elixir
  • Always spam Battle Ram to surprise opponent
  • Good luck! This deck is made to 3 crown. Don't be shy and go for the King once the Princess Tower is down.