Clash Royale Wiki



This deck is a combination of Rocket Cycle and Mortar Miner. It utilises the RocketNado synergy mostly for defense and then strikes back with the Mortar Miner synergy. It is 3.4, so it's not a fast cycle but you have loads of stalling cards if facing a cycle deck. Read on for more!

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: MisterMiraclez
Minimum Recommended King Level: 6
Maximum Recommended King Level: 13
Arena Required: Miner's Mine (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 3.4 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Mortar: The first part of your win con synergy.
Miner: The second part of your win con synergy.
Rocket: Your big spell and push destroyer.
Tornado: Your small spell. IMO, it's just a good version of arrows which pulls things. Use with Rocket for devastating impact.
Skeletons: Your stall and mini tank killer.
Ice Golem: Your kite, support killer, swarm killer and stall. My favourite card in the game.
Inferno Dragon: Your main tank killer. Use with Ice Golem to destroy big tanky pushes, even when it contains a reset.
Electro Wizard: Another stall, mini tank killer, support, reset, swarm killer and annoyance.



  • This deck revolves around 3 main synergies; the Mortar Miner, the RocketNado and the Ice Dragon (Ice Golem+Inferno Dragon). Whenever you have Mortar and Miner in hand and over 8 elixir, place Mortar at the bridge and place Miner on the front of the opposing tower. Prepare to support the Mortar though, because it will come under heavy fire as soon as you place it. Try to have RocketNado in hand at all times during double and triple elixir to fend off big pushes. Use Ice Dragon to kill approaching tanks if the threat costed the opponent less than 9 elixir. Electro Wizard and Skeletons are situational defences but cycle them if you feel you need a different card in hand. Check back later for more.