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This is an unusual deck that can go to legendary arena with small level of cards and king tower. I'm not joking.

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: Andrey7770
Minimum Recommended King Level: 1
Maximum Recommended King Level: 15
Arena Required: Serenity Peak (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 3.9 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Mega Knight: Mega knight is your surprise tank and support card. Landing on land units (not P.E.K.K.A.) can destroy all plans of your enemy. If supported it is hard to destroy and can annihilate princess towers very fast if ignored. Inferno tower, inferno dragon, mini P.E.K.K.A., lumberjack, hordes of enemies and P.E.K.K.A. are very dangerous for mega knight. Support him with fireball, wizard, bats, the log, goblin gang and lumberjack. Try to not send mega knight unsupported.
Fireball: Fireball is good destroyer of weak units and half-dead princess towers. Also can be helpful against under leveled wizards, musketeers and balloon. Heavy spell.
Bats: Air defense from balloons, tanks, skeleton hordes, inferno dragons. Can help against inferno tower, musketeer, canon cart and more. DO NOT help against wizards and anti-airal splash cards. Great support to mega knight and mortar with big DPS. Can be used to cycle.
Lumberjack: One of the most versatile glass canons. Great defender against even very hated elite barbarians. With some help he can destroy P.E.K.K.A. And mega knight. Synergies with wizard, goblin gang and bats. When lumberjack dies, he drop rage potion that can help you very much.
Goblin Gang: Goblin gang is big horde support and defense card that can help you against single target units. If ignored, can deal quite big amount of damage to princess towers. Cheap enough to cycle.
Mortar: Mortar! Your first win condition and on par to mega knight the most important card in this deck. It is better to use it as often as you can. If there isn't any dangerous things for you use it to do damage to princess towers. It can be used as defense support if placed rightly.
Wizard: Wizard is anti-weak enemies card. See a lot of minions, bats goblins and other weak cards. Wizard will destroy them all. He is a great support to mortar and mega knight.
The Log: See goblins, skeletons, goblin barrel and other weak land cards? Use the log! Also it can be used to push some heavy troops away. Light spell.

Important information[]

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Changes that you can made in this deck[]

Mega knight: nothing; Fireball: poison, rocket; Bats: skeletons, minions; Lumberjack: mini P.E.K.K.A.; Goblin gang: skeletons army, minions horde; Mortar: nothing; Wizard: executioner, ice wizard; The log: tornado, zap, arrows.

Roles of new cards that used in modified version[]

Poison: Want to help your tanks to survive and see a lot of weak units? Use poison. It's damage is slower than fireball's, but it can help against graveyard, skeletons and other small units. Not as effective as fireball dealing with big and fast units. Medium spell.

Rocket: Can be win condition and anti-big units spell. Deals A LOT of damage. Heavy spell with that you need to be more careful.

Skeletons: A land counterpart to bats. Very cheap and good to cycle. But they are harder to use and can't counter some cards that bats can.

Minions: Stronger version of bats that don't get killed by zap and more powerful then they, but more expensive.

Mini P.E.K.K.A.: Slower hits, more damage, loves pancakes, don't drop rage and hate the log.

Skeletons army: Destructive army of undead is with you! It is more powerfull than goblin gang, but can't attack air units and can be countered by zap.

Minions horde: A much stronger and expensive goblin gang air counterpart with insane damage, but still can be countered by arrows that cost much less...

Executioner: All enemies will get thing that they must! Smaller damage, but bigger attack radius and don't gets killed by a rocket.

Ice Wizard: Use this card for a more defensive approach, can really help to defend your mortar, by slowing down all attackers. It also lessens the cost and can even slow down the tower if you can successfully get your Mega Knight to the tower. It is almost just as good as the regular Wizard but with two drawbacks: it doesn't do much damage, and it is much harder to collect, being a legendary.

Tornado: Storm is on the arena! Synergies with lots of cards and counters some very annoying units, for example balloon. If used right can activate king tower! Light spell, but can destruct as heavy!

Zap: Stunning counterpart of log that can hit air and land units with less damage. Great support for your tanks that can help dealing with sparky, inferno tower and inferno dragon.

Arrows: Light spell that can hit air and land units, have as much damage as the log, but cost more.

Archetype Match-Ups[]

S - this deck completely destroys archetypes with this match-up.

A+ - this deck is great against archetypes with this match-up.

A - this deck is very good against archetypes with this match-up.

A- - this deck is quite good against archetypes with this match-up.

B - this deck is good against archetypes with this match-up.

C - this deck is mediocre against archetypes with this match-up.

D - this deck is bad against archetypes with this match-up.

E - this deck is very bad against archetypes with this match-up.

F - this deck is really bad against archetypes with this match-up. Only heaven can help you.

Z - this deck is hopeless against archetypes with this match-up.

Super overleveled decks ( 3 or more levels higher than yours): Z.[]

In Battle against super overleveled decks all interactions are changed. For example: overleveled zap can kill goblin gang. Pushes and defense of your opponent are much stronger than yours. It is hopeless match-up. Only if your opponent is a very bad player you have a chance for win.

Overleveled decks ( 1.5 or 2 levels higher than yours): C for joke decks, D for most non-joke decks, E or F for counters.[]

The advantage of opponent against overleveled decks is not as big as super overleveled decks, but still quite big. You need to be careful and play goodly to win. One mistake can cost you a match.

Underleveled decks ( 1.5 or 2 levels lower than yours): A+, A or A- for most non- joke decks, S for joke decks and B for counters.[]

Against underleveled decks you have good advantage: you can more easily attack and defend against your opponent, but still you aren't god of this game. If you make a lot of mistakes, you likely will lose the match.

Super underleveled decks ( 3 or more levels lower than yours): S for all decks.[]

Against super underleveled decks you have so big advantage, that you can destroy all decks quite easily. Only if you are a bad player and your opponent is super good player, you likely will be destroyed.

Normal level decks ( 1.5 or less level difference)[]

Beatdown decks[]

Golem decks: A-. You have quite a lot instruments against the golem and his support: mega knight, lumberjack, wizard, goblin gang, bats; fireball and log can help against small support, finally you can use your mortar to distract the golem. If you play right, you will win.

Lava hound decks without balloon: A. It is even easier to destroy lava hound decks without balloon, because the big tank itself is less dangerous than golem and you have a lot of units that can destroy lava hound and her pets. The main threat is her support.

Lavaloon: C. This variation of lava hound decks is very annoying. The unit that makes it that annoying is the balloon. You don't have that much cards to stop it. If the opponent combined lava hound and balloon, isn't in big trouble and has fireball, arrows or zap in hand, you will likely lose, if not play correctly. If you see a lot of lavaloons, change the log and wizard to tornado and executioner. It will help you in battle.

Post scriptum[]

Do not delete this page! I worked for it so hard!
