Clash Royale Wiki



This deck is a very rounded off deck. It is quite versatile and when you get to double elixir time BOOM!

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: Slippery Sausage
Minimum Recommended King Level: 9
Maximum Recommended King Level: 11
Arena Required: Spooky Town (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 3 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Knight: The tank for your graveyard, can be used on defence against most cards.
Graveyard: Your main card for taking in towers. Pair it with knight for a great combo.
Poison: Great synergy with graveyard as it has a similar radius and time of effect. Takes out troops to defend against graveyard such as minions, skeleton army etc.
Skeletons: Skeletons are a very versatile card, good at stopping charges of certain cards, distracting and helping chip a tank such as giant.
Goblin Gang: Goblin Gang can be used similarly to the skeletons but can also be a support to the knight when pushing.
Minions: They are great at controlling the air. Use them with skeletons to take out Elite Barbarians etc. Can be swapped for Mega Minion
Tombstone: Great defensive card, paired with skeletons they can completely stop a Hog Rider. Also good at stopping single target units.
Zap: One of the best cards in the game, used to reset attackers and the tower, stop Goblin Gangs, Minion Hordes and other zap bait cards


  • Play a little passivley at first and get a good cycle going.
  • The main push is Knight followed by Graveyard, Poison. A big mistake is trying to play the poison when you don't have enough elixir.
  • If your opponent plays a high elixir card at the back, for example a Golem, rush the other lane with Knight Graveyard. Your opponent will probably spend a lot of elixir defending your push so you can counter the Golem with Tombstone and Minions or Goblin Gang etc.
  • When it gets down to double elixir time is when this deck really shines. It is a cheap 3.0 deck so you can cycle easily and get your push going.
  • If it is one tower all in overtime, you can play your Graveyard on the tower then immediatley play your Knight in the center. If you have enough elixir you can also play your Poison. This allows for the Graveyard to go unharmed and deal massive damage on the tower.