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This deck functions similarly to my previous deck, Inferno Sparky 4.5. (Link:

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: XInTheDark
Minimum Recommended King Level: 10
Maximum Recommended King Level: 13
Arena Required: Rascal's Hideout (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 4.3 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Inferno Dragon: Defense card, can be used for minor counterpush.
Minion Horde: Swarm card, can defend against many troops, especially non-air troops.
Sparky: Damage output card, pair it with Magic Archer or Minion Horde to turn it into a punishing counterpush. It can deal massive damage to tanks and towers if defended well.
Skeleton Army: Another swarm card, used to defend against many ground troops (e.g. Prince, Hog Rider...)
Heal Spirit: Cycle card, versatile but sometimes useful for healing troops on low HP (e.g. Inferno Dragon, Mega Knight, Sparky, Minion Horde, etc.)
Magic Archer: Used to eliminate swarms like Skarmy, can also damage weak air troops. Put it behind a tank to make sure it does not get killed.
Fireball: The only spell in the deck, use it wisely and it is good to Fireball a weak or medium troop behind the Princess Tower to make a positive elixir trade.
Mega Knight: The tank with the most HP in the deck, use it well because of its heavy 7 elixir, mainly on defence for clearing heavy ground troops, then utilise it in another counterpush.


  • Playstyle: Wait for the opponent to make the first move, then use the remaining troops as a counterpush when the enemy is out of elixir. Note: Save your elixir wisely or else you may be caught off guard.
    • Main combos: Inferno Dragon + Magic Archer, or Sparky + Magic Archer, or Tank + Minion Horde.


  • Minion Horde ⇔ Minions or Bats
  • Sparky ⇔ Mini P.E.K.K.A or P.E.K.K.A. [Not recommended]
  • Magic Archer ⇔ Wizard or Executioner
  • Heal Spirit ⇔ Ice Spirit or Skeletons or The Log (For another cheap spell)
  • Fireball ⇔ Poison or Rocket
  • Mega Knight ⇔ P.E.K.K.A or Giant Skeleton


This deck is highly similar to the Inferno Sparky 4.5 deck, also created by XInTheDark.
