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Just your average Hog Rider and Mega Knight Deck, expect you punish your foes with magic archer if they try to counter your mega knight. Probably one of the worst decks in the game so unless if you're trying to get out of midladder don't try it if you want to win, please.

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: BenTehNinjaGamer
Minimum Recommended King Level: 9
Maximum Recommended King Level: 11
Arena Required: Rascal's Hideout (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 4 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Hog Rider: Win Condition, beware swarms as they can easily kill this hog-riding man. However, poorly timed placements with the swarms can still allow your Hog Rider to get one or two hits in the tower, although this is unreliable and should not be depended on.
Mega Knight: Secondary Win Condition/Tank. His spawn, area, and jump damage can easily delete swarms, this can be helpful with tanks too. Thou this brute can easily be countered, but one mistake can let them deal massive damage to your tower. Not to mention that this can protect low hp units as well!
Magic Archer: Anti-Air Splash. A high skilled card. This will require you to take advantage of his long range and piercing damage, failure to do so, it will just be a musketeer but worse. With the correct placement you can punish your foes for trying to counter your mega knight, and force them to fireball or place down a unit to counter him!
Cannon: Building + Ground Tank Killer. One of the best buildings by now, can counter tanks if placed correctly and timed correctly.
Phoenix: Air Tank Killer. This bird should not be underestimated as this can deal high damage with a lot of hp, even with its rebirth ability, oh boy.
Valkyrie: Mini-tank. Probably the best rare card as of now, Tanks? Bye bye! Swarms? Adios! There's nothing much to say about her.
Electro Wizard: Stun + Hybrid + Support. Used to reset the Inferno Dragon, Inferno Tower, and cards with charge. Use this for defense and the Inferno Dragon and Inferno Tower.
The Log: The infamous log, used to counter swarms and knockback troops.


Hog Rider: If you wanna play aggressive? Replace it with Goblin Barrel.

Phoenix: Mega Minion, Bats or Minions is a good substitute for this card.

Electro Wizard: Fearing about high HP troops? Musketeer will do with the cost of no stun.

Cannon: Bomb Tower is earthquake users worse nightmare, and can be incredibly annoying.

Valkyrie: Mini Pekka can replace her but will struggle with swarms, and what if you have evolutions? (p2w moment jk lol) Then replace her with the Knight!

The Log: The Barbarian Barrel can be a great card if you don't have the log, but no knockback.

Magic Archer: Princess can get insane value for defense if used correctly.


  • Timing will be your best friend while using this deck, use this as your advantage even if your leaking elixir (Also don't try to leak too much).
  • Try not to play aggressive with this deck unless if your forced too or substituted hog rider with goblin barrel. As you might take the risk of taking damage as well.
  • Don't always place Mega Knight in the bridge please, you can use it for defense if you're struggling with that too.
  • Its best to mute emotes until the match is over as midladder players would most likely bm. Even if they're not its still best for you to mute emotes.