Clash Royale Wiki



This deck may look weird to new players, but it is one of the best beatdown decks in this meta because of how good Evo P.E.K.K.A. is, and this deck is also easy to play. The evolutions are P.E.K.K.A and Goblin Giant

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: DartDartPopper
Minimum Recommended King Level: 11
Maximum Recommended King Level: 15
Arena Required: Silent Sanctuary (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 3.6 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Goblin Giant: This is your win condition and the core of your deck. He will function as a frontline for your push, or can be dropped at the bridge for damage pressure. With his spear goblins, Rage functions well with him, not only boosting the giant but also the spear goblins on his back, and allow him to rip apart frail air units like the mega minion. He should one of the evolutions, as the goblin spawns can provide a lot of pressure.
P.E.K.K.A.: Your big defensive unit and especially with the evolution, secondary win condition. She will be useful against medium or large pushes, then counterattacking. She can also defend against a variety of win conditions. Her evolution makes her much more threatening offensively
Little Prince: Little Prince is very versatile even after the nerf. He functions as the core air defense of the deck, but because of his cheap cost for a champion allowing an easy 3 card cycle and versatile ability he has a lot of use cases in this deck.
Guards: Your swarm, used for defense against bridgespam. They excel against Evo PEKKA, which makes them really good in this slot, and can defend against the bridgespam meta, fully countering bandit and royal ghost. With zap, they counter battle ram and ram rider.
Fisherman: Your defense against win conditions. He can fully counter Hog Rider and help against Ram Rider and Battle Ram, while pulling away big tanks like Giant for disruption. On offense, he can pull away defenders, especially P.E.K.K.A
Zap: Zap is one of your spells. It finds use because it is really good against the zap bait and ram rider heavy meta as of writing this (17/9/2024). The reset also offers a lot of utility as well, most notably against Inferno dragon.
Rage: Another of your spells, and fits really well into this deck due to how much it benefits your pushes.
Arrows: Your third spell. This spell can help clear massive swarms and heavily damage or even kill many defenders. Even if it does not kill, for example against skeleton dragons, you will still be able to puncture them for your goblin giant to clean up,


  • This deck is a beatdown deck, it focuses on building up pushes, but you can also drop a Goblin Giant in front of a bunch of counterpushing troops.


  • VOID can replace zap. It’s really strong rn and helps against buildings but zap is good because everyone and their grandma is playing mortar cannon cart bait. However, void is still a viable replacement.
  • PHOENIX and MOTHER WITCH can replace Little Prince. While they are less versatile, they are still really good and offer more utility. Phoenix is also stronger into lava hound, while MW helps against bait decks,
  • NIGHT WITCH can replace little prince BUT only if you run void over zap to compensate for air defense. Night witch helps when you want to build up pushes.