Clash Royale Wiki



This deck almost never fails. Use the lumberjack + balloon combo or Electro wizard + balloon combo for best effects.

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: Juwonk7
Minimum Recommended King Level: 12
Maximum Recommended King Level: 12
Arena Required: Serenity Peak (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 3.5 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Balloon: Putting the rage dropped by the lumberjack to use and destroying towers
Lumberjack: Putting it in front of the balloon so that it gets some damage done, and then dies, spilling the rage everywhere for the balloon
The Log: Getting rid of pesky skeletons to make room for the lumberjack
Ice Wizard: Supporting the combo if elixir is left, and defending
Skeleton Army: Distracting small flying enemies like minions and bats
Baby Dragon: Holding down the fort while the lumberjack and balloon do the destroying
Electro Wizard: Going with the balloon when the lumberjack is currently cycling
Royal Ghost: Steadily following the combo to ensure they get their way


  • Start with cards like baby dragon, royal ghost, ice wizard, or skeleton army to get your enemy to use up some elixir so that you can charge full throttle
  • Use the lumberjack + balloon combo as much as possible
  • Use the electro wizard to support the balloon if they get rid of the lumberjack before the lumberjack can get close to the tower, making the rage less useful