This deck is mega minion, fireball, skeletons, knight, snowball, tesla, xbow and mortar
Deck Information[]
- Deck Created by: Hi My main ingame name is TeamEpic2
- Minimum Recommended King Level: 1
- Maximum Recommended King Level: 15
- Arena Required: Hog Mountain (Wrong?)
- Average Elixir Cost: 3.4 (Wrong?)
- More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder
Card Roles[]
- Mega Minion: Mega minion- A 3 Elixir rare card that has air abilities. It is one of 2 non spell air counters in the deck.
- Knight: Knight. You’re main mini tank. It can also help protect x-bow and mortar. it got nerfed so subs are mini pekka, ice golem or valk maybe fisherman.
- Tesla: Tesla: You’re main defense building
- X-bow: X-bow your main win con.
- Mortar: mortar. Semi win con can be used on defense and sneaky chip.
- Skeletons: Skeletons: Can counter minion horde if placed in the middle towards top. A cycle card.
- Fireball: fireball. You’re big spell. It can knockback balloons, hogs, and ram riders.
- Giant Snowball: snowball. You’re small spell can counter lots of cheap things or bring down to one hp
- You can start the game by cycling skeletons or snowball. If they play a golem or P.E.K.K.A or something expensive you can do X-bow opposite lane.
- Tesla is your main defense against hogs, giants, golems, P.E.K.K.As, and others so try to keep it in cycle.