Clash Royale Wiki



This deck is a very strong deck that takes long to master but when you master it, it is uncontrollable. Every card in this deck combines well together to form a perfect deck that can be used in any arena. If you know how to pull/aggro troops and also know how to defend well, you will find great success with this deck.

Deck Information[]

Deck Created by: Lupintonksduo
Minimum Recommended King Level: 10
Maximum Recommended King Level: 13
Arena Required: Rascal's Hideout (Wrong?)
Average Elixir Cost: 3.5 (Wrong?)
More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder

Card Roles[]

Bandit: The Bandit is the first of two win conditions. I wouldn't consider either of them to be the primary/secondary win condition, since they will both get good damage depending on the match up. These two win conditions synergize so well together, and for only five elixir. Play the bandit first, and then follow up with wall breakers. The tower will start shooting the Bandit, and since the bandit is usually countered by mini-tanks like the Knight, Prince, and Dark Prince,the Wall Breakers will connect with ease.
Wall Breakers: Your other win condition. A great card for chip damage, while maintaining a easily cycle able cost. As stated above, send in the Wall Breakers after the Bandit for great effect.They will more then half the time connect, or result in a positive elixir trade. Never send in Wall Breakers alone, as you are defeating the purpose of the deck and wasting elixir.
Dark Prince: Your tank counter and hybrid card. Good for getting damage, but can also destroy cards like the Meganite. It's splash is what makes it better than the Prince, and for a cheaper price. Use this card to counter their main tank and to get some chip damage if needed.
Tesla: Tesla is, when used right, the best building in the game. Good placements and knowledge of interactions are crucial. Play this against Hog Rider, as well as against other building-targeting troops. Use it to shut down in Double Elixir and to dominate both lanes.
The Log: Your small spell. A great card that always results in positive elixir trades. Use when you see fit, against any troops you can get value off of, or to destroy clumps of enemy troops.
Minion Horde: Your first anti-air card, and a great tank counter. You want to figure out what spells they have(for example, Arrows), before you play this card, because otherwise you will be down heavy elixir. Use against their final pushes or to get massive damage unattended.
Skeleton Dragons: Your second anti-air. Use this card against swarms like Barbarians and Rascals. It is a great defensive card, but watch out for arrows and Fireball. Play when their counters are out of cycle.
Poison: Your big spell. A great swarm-destroyer and a great counter to witches and other groups of pushes. You can use against their crown towers in certain conditions, like if your win conditions can't seem to get damage or you can get value off a Musketeer or Archers.

