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For the evolution of the Cannon, click the Wild Shard. Wild Shard

“Defensive building. Shoots cannonballs with deadly effect, but cannot target flying troops.”

The Cannon is a Common card that is unlocked from the Barbarian Bowl (Arena 3). It spawns a single-target, ground-targeting, medium-ranged, building with moderate hitpoints and moderate damage. A Cannon card costs 3 Elixir to deploy.


For Battle Decks with this card, click here

  • The Cannon can be used defensively behind or beside Crown Towers to help defend against melee troops.
  • As with any defense, it is generally not wise to play the Cannon proactively, as this may, for example, allow an opposing Dart Goblin or Musketeer to out-range it, destroy it, and then proceed to attack the player's Tower, gaining both an Elixir and damage advantage. The player can, however, place the Cannon while the ranged troop is in the range of the Cannon to prevent ranged troops from out-ranging it.
  • Since Cannons cannot attack air troops, ranged units like Flying Machine or Baby Dragon can destroy it somewhat safely. However, given its low 3 Elixir cost, the Cannon can be used as a distraction against air troops, which gives your tower more time to shoot them down.
  • The Cannon is often best placed in the radius of the user's Crown Towers, to prevent flying troops such as Minions from destroying it without any issues. As such, if a Cannon is ever placed out of range of the Crown Towers, the attacking player can use air troops to destroy the cannon unhindered.
  • The Cannon can take down Barbarians or a Hog Rider when placed in the center of the player's side, gaining an Elixir advantage. A Cannon combined with a Mini P.E.K.K.A. or Inferno Dragon can wreak havoc on high-hitpoint troops.
  • The Cannon can also be a great cheap distraction for dangerous troops like the Prince and the Balloon.
  • It is best used against tanks; place it 4 tiles away from the river and two tiles away from the Crown Tower to pull it with the maximum distance.
    • For troops that only target buildings except for the Battle Ram, place it 4 tiles from the river and 3 tiles away from the Crown Tower.
      • The building will need to be placed 4 tiles from the river and 2 tiles from the Crown Tower if the opponent executes an edge jump with a Hog Rider, Royal Hogs, or a Ram Rider.
      • The player can use it to aggro building-target only troops after it crosses the bridge, but only if it hasn't travelled more than 2 tiles from the bridge, or it will go straight to the Crown Tower.
      • If a Balloon is placed on the very edge, you have to place it 4 tiles from the river and 1 tile from the Crown Tower. If a Balloon is placed on the very edge in front you can place it 3 tiles away from the river and 2 tiles away from the Crown Tower. If a Balloon is placed right on the path, you can do the usual building place (4 tiles from the river and 3 tiles from the Crown Tower). The Lava Hound behaves slightly different: if it's placed on the very edge it has to be 3 tiles away from the river and 1 tile from the Crown Tower. And if it is placed on the path the player must place it 4 tiles away from the river and 2 tiles away from the Crown Tower.
      • These building placement rules apply to all buildings; even though the Tesla is smaller than most buildings, the same rules still apply.


Hit Speed
Damage Speed
First Hit Speed
Damage Speed
Deploy Time
Deploy Time
Projectile Speed
3 0.9 sec 0.9 sec 1 sec 30 sec 5.5 1000 Ground Building Common
Damage per second
Hitpoints lost per second
1 322 83 92 10.7
2 354 91 101 11.8
3 389 100 111 12.9
4 428 110 122 14.2
5 470 121 134 15.6
6 515 132 146 17.1
7 566 146 162 18.8
8 621 160 177 20.7
9 682 175 194 22.7
10 750 193 214 25
11 824 212 235 27.4
12 904 233 258 30.1
13 994 256 284 33.1
14 1,091 281 312 36.3
15 1,197 308 342 39.9

Card Mastery

Type Level/Tier Objective Reward
Damage Dealer
Damage Dealer
1 Deal a total of 67,500 Damage to enemy Troops or buildings 200 Cannon cards
25 XP
2 Deal a total of 200,000 Damage to enemy Troops or buildings 2,000 Gold
25 XP
3 Deal a total of 335,000 Damage to enemy Troops or buildings 150 Gem
25 XP
Troop Destroyer
Troop Destroyer
1 Destroy 210 enemy Troops 3,000 Gold
100 XP
2 Destroy 600 enemy Troops 200 Common Wild Card
100 XP
3 Destroy 1,050 enemy Troops 5,000 Gold
100 XP



  • The Cannon card was added with Clash Royale's game launch on 4/1/2016.
  • On 2/2/2016, the February 2016 Update, decreased the Cannon's cost to 3 Elixir (from 6 Elixir), decreased its range to 6 tiles (from 7 tiles), decreased its lifetime to 40 seconds (from 60 seconds), and decreased its hitpoints by 55%.
  • On 23/3/2016, a Balance Update, decreased the Cannon's lifetime to 30 seconds (from 40 seconds).
  • On 3/5/2016, the May 2016 Update, increased the Common card Level cap to 13 (from 12) and decreased its hitpoints by 11%. The update also fixed the “range bug”, which decreased the Cannon's range to 5.5 tiles (from 6 tiles) but its effective range was unchanged.
  • On 18/5/2016, a Balance Update, decreased the Cannon's hitpoints by 5%.
  • On 21/6/2016, a Balance Update, decreased the Cannon's hitpoints by 8%.


  • On 20/6/2018, the Summer 2018 Update, fixed a bug where the Cannon would occasionally stop shooting at the edge of its range.


  • On 1/7/2019, the July 2019 Update, increased the Cannon's damage by 32%, but increased its attack time interval to 1 second (from 0.8 seconds) and its first attack interval to 1 second (from 0.8 seconds).
  • On 30/9/2019, the End of September 2019 Update, added an extra Star Level.



  • On 7/6/2021, the Summer 2021 Update, decreased the Cannon's attack time interval to 0.9 seconds (from 1 second) and its first attack time interval to 0.9 seconds (from 1 second).
  • On 27/10/2021, the Champions Update, increased the Level cap of all cards to 14 (from 13).


  • On 4/10/2022, a Balance Update, decreased the Cannon's hitpoints by 8%.



  • On 30/10/2024, a maintenance break, added a card render to the Cannon's card info screen.


